
Showing posts from April, 2024

Ministry License

Not at sea and grateful to be available with all you land lubbers! This last week I had the privilege to attend Rocky Mountain Ministry Network General Council. Not only this but I had the honor to represent Dove Creek Assembly of God as their lead Pastor! Additionally my family, friends, colleagues, mentors and former home church Life Church Utah cheered me on as I was recognized as a Licensed Minister after 10 years of laboring in the field yoked with Jesus Christ.   "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." ~Mt 11:30 KJV Encouraged, Assured and Resolute to continue answering the call to love God, love others and serve His Kingdom Come! Let's Expand, Empower and Enlarge the Lord's perfect will here on earth as it is in heaven! (Forward focused "Keeping the hand to the plow" Lk 9:62) Many hands have contributed to this milestone of privilege. You know who you are but grant me some grace to thank a few key people within the local church who helped