Premiere Invocation, Introduction & Sermon


My life sentence:

Uncommonly lead among leaders, heal & steward the ecosystems.

Personal Mission Statement:

Revere the Lord Almighty God.  Be the salt and light, sincerely live an authentic life that is principally centered, doctrinally sound, durably flexible, obedient& spiritually2 ready for the will of God.


A beacon & light house of love, hope, guidance, warning, wisdom, security, power, restoration, redemption & rescue for the sinner & saint, the strong & weary, for the lost, forgotten, bankrupt, burdened, blind, broken, bruised, bound, imprisoned, orphaned, widowed & backsliding.

Guiding Principles: 

Live & serve as if I will die tomorrow, learn & grow as if I will live forever, love like Jesus Christ, lead with an example above reproach & leave an outstanding legacy for posterity.

I firmly agree with the scholars' who wrote the 3 Study Notes  transcribed below with a Pentecostal perspective from the Fire Bible by Life Publishers.  So much so that I've attached them to my personal mission statement as a reminder to myself.

1-Study Note:


"They do not serve your gods..."


  • "Though the Bible teaches us to obey, honor and pray for those in authority over us (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Timothy 2:1-21 Peter 2:13-17), our first duty is to God.  If we obey what Jesus called "the first and great commandment"--to love the one true God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37-38)--We cannot worship or honor any false god or any image representing a god.  This would also include giving priority to anything above God in our lives (see article on THE NATURE OF IDOLATRY, page 370 of Fire Bible)." 1. Fire Bible (FB) Modern English Version (MEV) Commentary Daniel 3:12 Note. ‘Obedience’   

2-Study Note:

"Hear, you deaf; look, you blind, that you may see."


 Isaiah 42:18-25

  • "Because of the spiritual blindness and deafness of God's people, they were being attacked and completely robbed by their enemy; there was no none to rescue and restore them."  Page 948 of the Fire Bible.

3-Study Note:


 "mentioning you in my prayers."


 Ephesians 1:16-20

  • "Paul's prayer for the Ephesians reflects God's highest desire for every follower of Christ.  He prays that the Spirit might work in and through their lives in greater and more powerful ways (Cross Ref. with Eph. 3:16).  The aim of the Spirit's activity in Christians' lives is that they may (a) know Christ better (v.  17), (b) receive more wisdom, insight and understanding concerning God's present and future purposes for them (v. 18) and (c) experience greater "power" of the Holy Spirit in their lives (vv. 19-20)."  Page 1716 of the Fire Bible (MEV). 2.  FB Pg. 963 The Will of God Article & Isaiah 42: 18-25 Note & Eph. 1:16-20 Note.

Check out my Premiere Preaching Sermon:  

Love it Does The Body Good  40:19 Minute Mark

Lets Go LORD!


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