Thirsty Thursday's .1

Then the Lord said to him, "But I will be with you, and  you will strike the Midianites as one man."  ~Judges 6:16 MEV

I WILL BE WITH YOU...  All those who sincerely & persistently depend on God will experience the power and peace of God's active presence.  Jesus himself makes this promise to NT believers (Mt 28:19-20) (MEV).

Our commitment to each other as His church, initially had a sense of arrival in the beginning.  My imagination indicates that this sense of 'arrival' is fading, and reality is settling in.  Despite knowing beforehand that physical proximity would remain a challenge, we jumped in the water together figuratively.  We knew that this distance between us is closing but not yet closed.  Knowing this ahead of the 'jump' and now in the cold water, it doesn't make the separation any easier.

As a hired Shepherd, I find it important to never become a substitute for the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.  Like Gideon we have a choice to make.  Instead of repeating the mistakes (like that of a victim mindset, etc.) of the past and returning to evil we must deliberately depend on the Lord for providence and protection.  Each weekend together is like that of experiencing the power and peace of God's active presence.  That presence is shared with each other in body, not only available together in body.

Let's avoid falling for the lie that physical proximity is permanent & the only means to fellowship.  Even after the final transit from SLC to DC, permanency of my presence will remain temporary. Whether we're here in person together or we're there in person together.  Togetherness is bound by the common bond of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Thirsty to be more fully present.
Pastor Nicholas


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