Understanding Your Worship | Personality Types | Identity
In this article I'd like to share some of my thoughts from the survey for the case study and with permission invite you to join us in the same case study to assist my new friend and sister in Christ Jesus. Julie Periman is a student at Trinity Bible College in their Doctorate program. She has allowed me to invite you to join her task to improve comprehension of "Sung-Worship" in any regional setting.
As part of their case study you engage via survey and the survey requires you to take a quick personality test to enter your type into the survey. Below are the some of the results of my personality test. Below is a portion of the test that I took before the survey as instructed. Emphasis on portion. The free portion is very useful and at the time it was only an additional $9 to get more advanced personal insights and another supplemental survey to increase more feedback. I recommend both for your personal growth and development of godly character!
With or without the Additional Fee of $9.00 |
With these five categories you get feedback from your test: Personality Traits, Your Career Path, Your Personal Growth, Your Relationships and Academic & Learning Styles.
The additional $9.00 fee accentuates Influential Traits and includes a deeper explanation in probability of personal Strengths, Weaknesses and Relationship Patterns within each of the 5 sections, like this one below from my relationships category:
Sharing Only 1/5 Available Sections |
This was an awesome opportunity! I found much of this to be very accurate; turned out to be a good day for me to take this survey in my opinion. Peculiar to me is that there are various onion-like-layers of our wholeness as a human being and this is another layer that enhances mastery of self as described in the associated articles on Knowing Your Value & Discovering Spiritual Gifts. In my opinion, these are conducive to culling your call to serve in God's kingdom ministry.
Emotional intelligence has always been a hard and blind spot for many years. Daniel Goleman's book on Emotional Intelligence (PDF download 10th Edition at this time it's in the 25th 😵) was very helpful along in my recovery from sinful habits and separation from God. Helpful in that my emotional awareness was arrested to some degree and I think it was within this book that I discovered the concept of arrested development. Sometimes,
"You don't know what you don't know." ~Maxwell Leadership
Once you know what you didn't know, you can do something about it. I know that because of my "Commander" type of personality, I have to go the extra mile in permission, apology and asking forgiveness of others. Despite working on it, sometimes our personality is what it is and all we can do is learn from mistakes and attempt to grow our weaknesses into strengths all while sustaining our strengths. With God's help anything is possible! If we have history together and you happen to be reading this then you probably agree with my score. Provided the opportunity to reconcile I would love to make peace. The more you know, eh?
If you'd like to engage in this limited time case study follow the digital connections below 👇. If hard paper and mail is your preference reach out to Julie via email julieperiman@trinitybiblecollege.edu and/or (970)-560-0534
The importance of the test. It not only enhances personal growth but helps prepare you for the survey.
Worship Survey in contribution to case study and dissertation of Julie Periman. If you're in a Rural setting then this survey is for you, if not rural then it is for you too! Please take the worship survey to assist Julie in her case study on "SUNG/SONG" worship. Remember you need the personality test results for your survey!
NERIS Test URL: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
Free Personality Test | 16Personalities click HERE.
Click Web hyperlink to take a free personality test to find out your NERIS Type, a model of personality based on four temperaments and four humors. View detailed results and learn how your type impacts life, liberty and the pursuit of blessedness (Mt. 5).
Survey URL: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R63TS6B
"What's your incentive? Helping spiritual leaders with greater effectiveness in your altar experience & getting the most out of sung worship. Thus far participants have shared gratitude about the personal growth gained by going the extra mile to contribute to this case study."
~Julie Periman PHD Candidate Trinity Bible College
As a participant I can justly echo this sentiment. I hadn't the opportunity to take this particular personality test yet, until recently. I don't enjoy these tests, but I'm grateful to have this in my library to assist in greater "mastery of thyself" (1 Co. 9:25 KJV).
"To know yourself is the beginning of all wisdom ~Aristotle
The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of knowledge: [but] fools despise wisdom and instruction. ~Proverbs 1:7 KJV
Therefore in my opinion, knowing yourself well enhances your ability to fearfully worship God as the Proverb indicates. To not participate is like despising the opportunity for new knowledge that can grant wisdom for worshipping your God in spirit & truth most accurately. What's holding you back from greater insights and mastery of self?
I implore you, take the survey!
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